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Mar 15
SABAA Opens Mpumalanga 2024/2025 Event 7 - 8 De Hoop Dam • 15 - 16 March 2025

SABAA Opens Mpumalanga 2024/2025 Event 7 - 8

Keepnet Rules

We thank you for your participation in the 2024 / 2025 Season with Mpumalanga.

In lew of the issues we had in the previous season and the issues that came up during the National Championship at Arabie, Mpumalanga has taken the necessary steps to insure that we will not have issues during this season and seasons to follow.

Please note that you may still weigh your fish at the “Weigh Station” with help from others. That’s using your scale and your phone with the Keepnet App.

Scale Rules:

  • Scale that can steady and lock the weight is preferred
  • Scale to be verified and tag. 
    • Scales will be verified for every weekend. 
  • All scales to have a lip grip. No ‘J’ hook will be accepted.
  • The Lip Grip may not be attached to a hook. Lip Grip to be directly attached to the scale.
  • While weighing the fish and the scale with verification sticker should be visible at all times.
  • The fish and lip grip should be free of any external objects.
  • When you zero the scale make sure the lip grip is not resting on anything and is free hanging. 

Fish weighing procedure:

  • Open Keepnet App.
  • Press add fish (Green Button).
  • Change video to selfie mode.
  • Start recording (make sure it is recording on top center).
  • Show scale is zero and free of any external objects. (That you can see on the screen/video it is showing zero)
  • Weigh fish, fish to be free of any object, fish shown hanging freely and fish fully in screen at all times.
  • Scale to be in video at all times.
  • Lock screen with weight.
  • Show weight to video (make sure that you read out the weight and that you can see the weight in the screen/video).
  • Ensure that you release the fish in a manner that is clear on video that the release was humane and fair.
  • End video and enter weight.
  • Sync fish on top right corner of My net. (This will eliminate the lengthy download time at the weigh station)
  • All anglers will ensure that syncing of phones are done before departure from weigh station.

Event fishing times:

  • Official fishing time is 06h00 to 16h00.
  • Fish to be weighed only in the official fishing time 06h00 to 16h00.
  • No fish will be allowed to be weight out of official fishing time.
  • Anglers may return to the weigh station to have their fish weighed, taking into account the following:
    • The angler must ensure his catch is recorded before the cut-off time on Keepnet and should be aware that this will reduce his/her fishing time on the water.
    • The angler will still weigh his fish on his own scale with the assistance of the weighmaster.
    • It is the responsibility of the angler to allow enough time to perform the task weighing and recording at the weigh station before the cut-off time taking into account potential other anglers that may be at the weigh station performing the same.
    • No additional time will be allowed for the process of weighing your fish after cut-off time.

Tag Board:

  • Every angler will be issued a Tag.
  • The tag issued will be back on the board before Closing of the official day.
    • Official day could be 06H00 to 16H15 weather and light permitting.
  • Time check will be called by the Tournament Director to ensure there is no misunderstanding with regards to the time.
  • Siren will be sound at 16H15 to indicate the end of the tournament.

Complaints and Penalties:

  • All complaints to be in writing with a fee of R100 payable at the weight master or Tournament Director.
  • No Tag on the board / Late arrival – An angler will be deducted 1 point for every minute, he/she arrives late to place their tag on the board until 7 minutes after the agreed time whereby their entire bag will be disqualified for the day.
  • All fish weight after 16h00 will not be considered.
  • Dead Fish – There must also be no signs indicating that the fish may be dead.                 Dead fish = 0 points…. there is no reason for a fish to be kept in a livewell with the keepnet system in play
  • Once the keepnet official has verified the scores and any discrepancies – (Deliberate cheating) were found the following will take place
    • The angler in question will be notified via WhatsApp.
    • A panel will be assembled consisting of 5 Anglers and the Tournament Director
    • The five anglers names will be drawn from a hat numbered 1 – 36 (Assuming there will be 36 Anglers)
    • Once the panel has reached a decision that score will be deleted.
    • The score that has been deleted cannot be filled with another fish.


  • Weight verification and releases.
  • When the weight cannot be verified the fish will not count. The next legal fish will then be taken into account.
  • Weights will be adjusted by the weigh master if it does not correspond to the last reading or locked reading on the scale.
  • Make sure that your video includes the release of the fish and that it swims away.