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Oct 19
SABAA Opens Mpumalanga 2024/2025 Event 1 - 2 Witbank Dam • 19 - 20 October 2024

SABAA Opens Mpumalanga 2024/2025 Event 1 - 2

Prior to Event

Weighmaster will check calibration of scales (tolerance is 10g either way)

Angler to present phone with App to weighmaster to verify that they are logged into the correct event.

Angler will record and enter a weight in front of weighmaster as verification that the app is working. This test video is compulsory – it should be considered as important as a livewell check.
During Event

Fishing times will be set by the tournament organizer.

The angling cut-off will be set within the Keepnet system

Anglers may return to the weigh station to have their fish weighed, taking into account the following :
The Angler must ensure his catch is recorded before the cut-off time on Keepnet, and should be aware that this will reduce his/her fishing time on the water.
The Angler will still weigh his fish on his own scale with the assistance of the Weighmaster. Ie: Weighmaster can hold fish whilst angler records the video and release.
It is the responsibility of the Angler to allow enough time to perform the task weighing and recording at the weigh station before cut-off taking into account potential other Anglers that may be at the weigh station performing same.
No additional time will be allowed for the process of weighing your fish after cut-off.

All Anglers will ensure that Syncing of phones are done before departure from Weigh Site. Weighmaster will utilize the Tag board as a control measure for Safety as well as Syncing of Keepnet. In areas of poor signal, it is advised for each region to invest in a signal booster, as was used at the Opens Nationals at Arabie.
Marshall Guideline - 3 Step Approach
Step 1: Check Scale Hanging Free , with Clip and screen showing zero.
There must be no interference whatsoever of any moving parts of the scale, such as the scale chain or the cull-clip. Ensure the cull-clip is on the scale and hanging freely when the scale is zero’d. Scale must be in clear view of camera and the screen of scale must be visible to indicate that scale is on zero.
Step 2: Fish hanging free and scale locked on weight
Ensure that there is no interference when the fish is being weighed. Fish must be visible seen hanging freely on the scale. Check for interference on any mechanical parts of the scale such as the scale chain and clip. Check that no interference with the fish is occurring such as pulling down of tail etc. Hands must only be hold the scale and not interfering in any way that may influence the weight of the fish. Weight must be called out by angler BEFORE using the locking functionon scale. Screen of scale must then be shown clearly to the camera. Marshall must be satisfied that weight of fish corresponds to weight submitted.
Step 3: Releasing of Fish
Once scale is shown to camera, angler is to proceed to releasing the fish into the water. Video must show a clean release. It will be understood that there may be a moment in time that a fish may be out of site in the action of de-clipping the fish and or moving the fish/camera to the side of boat. Marshal must be satisfied that during this moment in time no reasonable possibility of switching a fish could occur. Marshal must be satisfied that a clean release took place, by virtue that the fish swam away or deposited in a manner that would indicate there can be no retrieval of the same fish. There must also be no signs indicating that the fish may be dead. Dead fish should = 0… there is no reason for a fish to be kept in a livewell with the Keepnet system in play.
Note: The task of the Marshal is to ensure that a fair process has taken place when an Angler is weighing his/her catch. The intention is not to look for a reason to disqualify a fish. The Marshall must be comfortable that no fowl play took place which could influence the scoring of a fish.
Guideline for Anglers
Ensure you have an appropriate calibrated scale. For ease of use , ensure you obtain a scale that has a locking option. Ie: you lock the weight of fish so you can move it closer to the camera without the weight changing.
Please remove old verification stickers before presenting scale to weigh master for verification.
Always check that you have registered for the competition.
Always do test video’s and inputs of score prior to the event so that you know you are in the correct competition and that your phone App is working correctly.
When weighing a fish, place your phone in an appropriate position which is easy to handle and gives you a clear view of your surrounds. Make sure your phone is on selfie mode!
When starting to record (press Red Button), always check that the time clock is running before starting the process of weighing your fish.
Always attempt to video without the sun on your back to minimize the glare on your camera.
When weighing your fish be mindful of the THREE STEP PROCESS that your Marshal will be looking at.
Be certain that your hands are away from any mechanical workings of the scale that may influence or could be construed as influencing the weight of the fish. Eg: touching the fish clip or chain of scale.
Make sure your hands/body are away from the free hanging Fish when you lock in the weight.
Ensure that you release the fish in a manner that is clear on video that the release was humane and fair.
Ensure every attempt is made to keep yourself and the fish in the view of the camera at all times so that the marshal can be satisfied that a free and fair process applied when weighing your fish.
Ensure you type in the weight of your fish and accept the weight.
Always press the sync button after each fish (cloud top right of screen). This will eliminate the lengthy download time at the Weighstation/Marshal Kiosk. Note: The Marshal has the option to lock the view should anglers be concerned that other angler will see their results during fishing times.
Tip: Always keep your phone in a cool area so as not to overheat and cause damage to your phone and potential loss of information. An angler cannot use a malfunction as an excuse!