Revised at the Junior Annual General Meeting 18th March 2022
Section 1 – Special Rules for Junior Nationals Competition and Conduct of Attendees
Weigh Station 3
Boats, Boat Safety & Equipment 3 1. Safety 3
Format & Special Rules 3
Participation 3
Reserves 3
Team Managers 4
Draw 4
Duties of the Skipper / Observer 4
Junior’s Equipment 4
Pre - Tournament Cut – Off 4
No Fishing Areas 4
Dead Fish Penalty 5
Short Fish Penalty 5
Tie Breaking Procedure 5
Ship – Shore & Ship – Ship Communications 5
Indemnity Financial Commitment, Citizenship & Age Declaration Forms 5
Behavior & Ethics 5
Selection 5
SABAA Age Rules 5
Dress Code 6
Section II: SABAA Tournament Rules (Revised version: 16th July 2016)
Rule 1 – Participation 7
Rule 2 - Pre-Competition Cut-Off 7
Rule 3 - Competition Briefing 7
Rule 4 - Use of Live-Wells 7
Rule 5 - Live-Well Inspection 7
Rule 6 – Safety 8
Rule 7 – Sportsmanship 8
Rule 8 – Injured Fish 8
Rule 9 - Weighing Fish 8
Rule 10 - Late Weigh-In 9
Rule 11 - Waiting Time 9
Rule 12 - Weigh-In 9
Rule 13 - Fish Limits 9
Rule 14 - Fish Culling 9/10
Rule 15 – Sessions 10
Rule 16 - No-Wake area 10
Rule 17 - Combining Catches 10
Rule 18 - Boarding by Committee Members 10
Rule 19 – Protests 10
Rule 20 - Tie-Breaking 10
Rule 21 - Scoring System 10
Rule 22 - Lure Type Tackle 11
Rule 23 - Eligible Fish 11
Rule 24 - Wet Lines 11
Rule 25 - No Casual Angling 11/12
Rule 26 - Methods of Angling 12
Rule 27 - Prohibited Areas 12
Rule 28 - Alcohol and Drugs 12
Rule 29 – Communication 12
Rule 30 – Divisional and Provincial Teams 12
Rule 31 – National Championship and Inter Provincial Championship 12
Rule 32 - Power of Disqualification 12
Section I: Special Rules (Superseding Standard Rules) for Junior Nationals Competition and Conduct of Attendees
Weigh Station
The Weigh Station will be open through the duration of each fishing session. Each Division to allocate an official to help throughout the day per a shift system.
Boats, Boat Safety & Equipment 1. Safety
No compromise will be tolerated with respect to safety.
Skipper/observers shall observe a 75 km/h speed limit. No high-speed passing will be tolerated.
The Junior Participants will not be allowed to pilot the outboard (petrol) motor of the boat:
Except under extreme emergency circumstances. or
With the authorization and/or under supervision of the skipper with a valid SAMSA Skippers License, to launch and/or retrieve the boat.
All Skippers/Observers to make sure that they (and/or their Passenger(s)) have all the following safety equipment & facilities:
Fire Extinguisher
Cellular Telephone (skippers only)
Bailing Bucket or Functional Bilge Pump
Kill-switch (To be utilized whenever under Outboard Power)
Life Jackets
(Which are to be worn at all times while the Boat is under way using Outboard Power).
Live Wells with Fill & Aeration facilities.
Means to Identify & Separate Fish caught by different competitors if two competitors are on board one boat which is only equipped with a Single Live Well.
All Skippers shall submit a signed indemnity form
The skipper is the Responsible person aboard the boat. The skipper’s decision on Safety (eg. Unacceptable Storm & Lightning Risk) is final.
The Weigh Master and/or Tournament Director may issue a general recall in case of unacceptable Storm or Lightning risk
Format & Special Rules:
In essence, the Standard Competition Rules of SABAA Junior as published and revised during the SABAA Junior Annual General Meeting on the 18th March 2022 will apply. These additional Special Rules take precedence.
1. Participation:
Any Junior Competitor entering the SABAA Junior National Championship Fish Off must be a current paid up Competitive Junior Member of the South African Bass Angling Association who complies with the age group criteria.
Only Eight Competitors from each Division will be allowed to compete during any fishing session.
Each Divisional team may enter One Reserve Team member.
Reserves may fish on Practice Day
Reserves may only fish during Tournament sessions if they are substituted.
If a Reserve is substituted.
The substitution will remain in force for the balance of the fishing session.
The withdrawn competitor shall have his bag weighed by the weigh-mater. This will count towards his Individual Score & Individual Ranking.
The Substitute competitor (reserve) will fish for another 5 fish bag. The weigh-master shall use the best 5 fish bag dissected from the combined catches of both the withdrawn Junior and Substitute Reserve Junior to determine the Team Tally for that particular divisional team.
The substitute’s Junior’s catch of 5 fish shall be recorded for his tournament individual position & individual ranking.
3. Team Managers:
Reserves may fish as substitutes for any division if agreed between the two respective managers.
In the case where a division don’t have 8 anglers and another division angler (should they have more than one reserve present at the tournament) will fish for that division then the following rules will apply
The score of that angler will only account towards the division he/she is fishing for.
This angler will not come into recognition for the national Junior team, or any other accolades presented at price giving.
The angler will only be recognized as a participant during the tournament.
Team Mangers may only fish on Practice Day
Team Managers can take part as Skippers and will be allocated juniors pairings as per current draw system. Skippers/Managers to be reminded of Code of Conduct, generally accepted norms and integrity as members of SABAA. Non-Disclosure agreement to apply.
4. Draw:
Two Junior Participants, each from opposing teams, will be allocated per boat together with one Senior Skipper / Observer.
The allocation will be according to Divisional ranking for Day 1, and according to the results of Day 1 for Day 2
A Skipper/Observer shall not carry any Junior Participant who is a close relative.
5. Duties of the Skipper / Observer:
Skipper/Observers and Assistants are also required to fill out and sign the Applicable Indemnity Forms.
Skipper/Observer and Assistants will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement pertaining to all and any fishing activities during the Tournament.
Only the skipper may operate the outboard motor except under circumstances stated in Section. 1(B)(1)(c)
Skipper/Observers/Pilots shall observe a 75 km/hr. speed limit. NO HIGH-SPEED PASSING WILL BE TOLERATED!
The Junior Participants will be expected to tell the Skipper/Observer where to go to and to operate the trolling motor.
The Skipper/Observer will ensure that equality rules and make final decisions regarding equal time & choice by the Junior Participants regarding the routes followed, places stopped at, time on trolling motor and front of boat position.
The Skipper/Observer may not handle the Junior Participant’s Rods, Strike or assist with the Hooking – up of the Junior Participant’s Fish.
The Skipper/Observer may assist with the Landing Net if so requested by the junior.
The Skipper/Observer may not offer advice during National Championship tournament days.
The Skipper/Observer remains the Responsible Adult on the boat and will take over the trolling motor should this be required to prevent damage to the boat or should the safety of the Junior Participants be in question.
The Skipper/Observer’s decision regarding courtesy, behavior, discipline and/ or safety aboard his boat will be final.
This Rule describes the offence of “Poaching”:-
In the event of any Junior Participant missing the strike of a fish or snapping off on a fish or nominating a fish on a fish finder, then if the Junior who missed the strike so nominates, then his opponent may not cast into the area where the fish was missed until the first Junior has completed another cast and retrieve at that specific fish. After the first junior has completed his retrieve, then both juniors may compete for that fish.
The Skipper/Observer shall be obliged to report any incident of poaching, cheating, poor discipline, ill manners and or any unsportsmanlike behavior to the Tournament Committee for Disciplinary Consideration.
m. The Junior Participants will be responsible for ensuring that the boat is returned to the Weigh Station in time before the Fishing Session Cut – Off Time.
n. Skipper/Observers will carry Cellular Phones in case of need to communicate in an emergency.
mapping 7.
Junior’s Equipment:
All Junior Participants are to make sure that they have their own Fish Measure, Culling Tags and Weigh-bags.
Junior Participants may not carry Mobile/Cellular Phones nor any Two Way Radios aboard Boats during Competition Fishing Sessions.
Junior participants may use their cellphone as a mapping device as well as his own fish finder as a device (GPS / WEIGHPOINTS). No communication like SMS, WhatsApp or calls are allowed.
Pre - Tournament Cut – Off:
a. Pre Fishing Cut – Off Date is as per National Rules – Three weeks prior (21 Days) to the Registration Date of the tournament.
No Fishing Areas:
a. No fishing across the Buoy Line Cables at the Dam Wall.
9. Dead Fish Penalty:
a. There will be no penalty for dead fish for the reason that juniors do not own the boats. Juniors should however be encouraged to take best possible care of the fish in the live well.
10. Short Fish Penalty:
a. A Short fish (less than 30 cm on the Weigh-master’s ruler) will result in a 0.5 point penalty and that fish will also not score as weight AND will be counted as one of the 5 fish in the angler’s bag.
11. Tie Breaking Procedure:
a. In the event of a tie, the TIE BREAKER shall be in the following order of precedence: i. The Junior with the MOST LIVE FISH weighed
ii. The Junior with the HIGHEST SINGLE FISHING SESSION SCORE iii The heaviest fish weight over the tournament
12. Ship – Shore & Ship – Ship Communications:
a. Skipper/Observers will carry Cellular Phones in case of need to communicate in an emergency. b.
Juniors may not carry cellular telephones on board during Junior Nationals Tournament days except by express permission of the Tournament Committee.
c. The Manager and the team members may communicate with each other per cellular phones only on Practice days.
d. All communications between team members and/or their Parents and/or comp followers to the Tournament Director/Tournament Committee will be made via their Respective Divisional Team Managers – NO EXCEPTIONS!
Indemnity Financial Commitment, Citizenship & Age Declaration Forms:
The Indemnity, Financial Commitment, Citizenship & Age Declaration Form must be filled in and signed by each Junior Participant’s Parent or Guardian.
The original forms fully completed and signed with the necessary attachments must be handed in at registration.
If this procedure is not completed, then the Junior will be barred from boarding any tournament boat. No Junior Participant will be allowed to compete without completing this formality.
Behavior & Ethics:
All Competitors, Organizers and Boat Skippers are expected to act with dignity and within a competitive spirit which complies to the rules of the National Junior Championship, the Competition Rules of SABAA and accepted “Norms of behavior and Mutual Respect”.
Any report of Poor Behavior and / or poor discipline will be dealt with by the tournament committee.
Any junior who transgresses will severely compromise his / her chances of selection into the National Team and nomination as JWC Contender notwithstanding the offender’s Competitive Result.
F. Selection:
Junior Participants are reminded that in compliance with the terms of the South African Sports Council Standards that a selection process will take place.
Only South African Citizens may be selected to the National Junior Team (Junior Protea Team). The only document acceptable for participation is a valid RSA Passport – NO EXCEPTIONS
A Non South African Citizen who is a paid up Junior Member of SABAA may qualify as a BASS Junior World Championship Contender
G. SABAA Age Rules:
For Selection to the Junior Protea Team:
Any junior who has not turned 19 by 1 January in the current calendar year will be allowed to fish as a junior for that entire year.
Any junior who wish to qualify for Junior Protea Team selection must be 12 years of age or older on the 1st of January in the current calendar year in which selection takes place.
H. Dress Code:
The following Dress Code shall be in force:
Colours Evening Function & at Prize Giving Function:
Junior Protea Team Anglers: Protea Blazer & Tie, Stone Flannels, White Shirt, Brown Shoes
Junior Protea Angler Inductees: White Shirt, Grey Flannels, Black Shoes.
Junior Competitors: Divisional Shirt, Track Suit & Cap
During Evening Meals:
Junior Competitors & Managers: Team Track Suits / Shirts & Caps as appropriate
Skippers & Officials: Protea/ Presidents, Divisional, Provincial, Club, Sponsor Track Suits, Jackets, Bass Shirts etc as appropriate
During Fishing Sessions and at Weigh Station (Practice Day included):
Junior Competitors: Team Track Suit, Shirts, Caps, Shorts – as appropriate.
Skippers & Officials: Protea / Presidents, Divisional, Provincial, Club, Sponsor Track Suits, Jackets, Bass Shirts etc. as appropriate
NB: Gentlemen are requested to keep clean and shaved across the duration of the tournament. This to set an example to the juniors and present a professional front to the public who will no doubt be present at the facility across the course of the tournament.
Note that any person considered as dressed or presented inappropriately may be requested to leave any event venue until such time as he/ she are dressed and presented appropriately.
National Anthem & Flag Raising:
All Attendees will be expected to Stand and Respect the Flag during the raising ceremony & the National Anthem when played.
Section II: General SABAA Tournament Rules (Revised version: 16th July 2016)
(In case of conflict between The Special Rules for Junior National Championships & these general rules, the Special rules will be read with higher Precedence and Supersede these General SABAA Standard Rules)
A. Any individual member of good standing of any Chapter affiliated to SABAA who has qualified either through his/her Province or Division to represent his/her Province or Division must accept these rules and undertake to adhere to same.
No Association member may fish or practice the venue of the National Championship, nor the venue of the National Inter Provincial Championship within 20 (twenty) calendar days prior to the day of registration for the National Inter Provincial Championship.
In some cases, this restriction may be shortened (for example to 19 days prior to the Date of registration for the tournament when the shut-off weekend may have a public holiday on the Monday) but only by Specific Written
General Notice by the Secretary of the Association’s National Executive.
C. National Championship and Inter-Provincial Championship formats will consist of a Practice Day, a Scanning/Scouting Day (Minimum of 6 Hours) (No Rods or Reels are permitted on the Boat, Terminal Tackle etc may remain on the anglers boat), three tournament days.
Predetermined Flights – The flights start with the ceding obtained by each division from the previous championship finishing position.
Practice Day – Anglers are split into their predefined flights (Red, Blue and Green) and must all be released in this flight system in single file without delay through the entry/exit gate. All anglers will return at the same time.
Scanning/Scouting Day – The start time of this day may be delayed due to the welcoming evening the night before, but must consist of a minimum of six hours.
Tournament Days – Anglers exit in their respective flight order without any delays and return to the weigh-station with thirty minute intervals.
The flights three respective flights rotate daily {National Championships (Day 1 – Red (1-15), Blue (16-30), Green (31-50)}, Day 2 – Blue, Green, Red and Day – 3 Green, Red, Blue.
Tournament days angling sessions will consist of a minimum of 8 hours. RULE 3 - COMPETITION BRIEFING
At National & Inter Provincial Championship level, a Tournament Committee of (at least) 3 members will be designated (and made known to competitors) to handle complaints and objections.
A briefing will be held by the Tournament Committee to inform the competitors of local conditions, arrangements for the competition and these rules where necessary.
A copy of these rules must be displayed at registration and where possible copies must be made available to new members. A copy of the rules must also be displayed at the weigh station.
Non-attendance at a briefing will not be accepted as an excuse for ignorance of the arrangements and/or rules in the event of a complaint or objection being raised.
All rules pertaining to the National Championship Tournament and the Inter Provincial National Championship Tournament become effective at commencement of registration until the end of prize giving.
Live-wells of some description, adequate in size to accommodate the boat's limit of fish, will be used on each boat and have an aeration or freshwater supply system.
At National Championship Tournament and Inter Provincial National Championship Tournament level, the organizing committee must adjudicate the acceptability of such live-wells.
Prior to commencement of the competition, all live-wells will be empty.
Hatches for purposes other than live-wells will be opened for inspection, as will coolers and other watertight containers, no matter their purpose.
Inspections will be carried out on the water no more than 30 minutes before the starting time of each of the angling sessions.
Competitors so inspected will not leave their boat unless re-inspected before starting off.
A system of proving that live-wells having been inspected shall be implemented.
All anglers taking part in SABAA sanctioned tournaments are obliged to have their boats fitted with kill-switches.
Life jackets shall be worn by each person on the boat while the internal combustion engine is operating.
All boats must have the prescribed certificates in accordance with the SAMSA regulations (COF, Skippers Certificate). Any boat not complying with the stipulations of the Marine Safety Act will not be allowed on the water.
Standard safety rules pertaining to local waters, including the "rule of the road" (shore on RHS, resulting in counter-clockwise movement) will be observed at all times.
In narrow channels, every boat shall keep to their right of the middle of the channel.
When boats approach ahead, they shall pass with the other boat to the left (port rule) at a distance and speed so that the wake of neither will endanger the other.
In the event of mechanical failure, an angler may attract the attention of another angler by utilizing whatever means (no mobile communication) alternatively he may use his mobile phone to contact the Weigh Master to request assistance.
Although an angler has notified the Weigh Master of mechanical failure this does not negate his requirement to have his tag on the board prior to the closure of his session.
Overtaking in the same direction shall be executed with discretion and the overtaken boat shall maintain its course until well clear of overtaken boat(s).
Generally the overtaking boat should keep to the deep-water side of the other, without endangering boats approaching head-on.
Boats approaching at right angles shall apply the port-rule. The boat with the other on the port (left) side has right of way. The other boat shall alter course and/or speed so as to pass astern of the boat with right of way.
Power boats shall give way to boats under sail or hand power, irrespective of the right of way.
If, in their opinion, a participant appears to be incapable of operating his boat in a safe manner, the organisers may exercise their right to disqualify such person.
Competitors will at all times display a high standard of sportsmanship and courtesy to both fellow competitors and members of the public.
The principles of conservation will be promoted at all times.
Bass which have been physically damaged, altered, or willfully mutilated will be disqualified at the discretion of the weigh master, whose decision will be final.
Presenting damaged, altered, or willfully mutilated fish may be cause for the disqualification of the angler concerned.
The introduction of materials or devices that cause an increase in weight/mass of a fish shall be deemed as willful damage and will be just cause for the disqualification of the angler concerned.
Old and/or accidental injuries, which do not cause the fish to be heavier than if it were not injured, will be accepted.
Fish, whether dead or alive, that have partially ingested their prey, shall not be weighed until the protruding remains of such ingested prey are safely removed and not count towards the weight.
Only the competitor will handle his/her catch to be weighed and presented for scoring. Helpers will provide the means for so doing but not handle the fish.
Identification discs or cards will be presented to the weigh-master to ensure correctness of scoring and the score sheet initialed against the entry by the competitor.
Once a competitor enters a buoyed off area, as indicated in the briefing as the No Wake zone, the fish in their possession become the property of the weighmaster who may also inspect their live-wells at any time.
A large enough waiting area shall be provided and marshaled.
Cut off time is to be indicated by the sounding of a horn or siren and/or flare. Should any competitor's boat not be within the boundaries of the waiting area at such time, his/her catch for that session will be disqualified.
Under extenuating circumstances, the disqualification of an angler may be overruled by the Tournament Committee, after process of written appeal. Their decision shall be final and no further discussion will be entered into although accepted norms of fair play to any other competitor(s) in similar circumstances must be applied.
Should the Tournament Committee indicate at the briefing that a Disc (Tag) System is in operation then the competitor(s) will only be automatically deemed to have arrived in good time for the weigh-in, if their discs are placed on the board prior to cut-off time which will be indicated by the sounding of a horn.
If any Competitor’s Disc is not returned to the board before the end of that competitor’s Fishing Session, said Competitor will be disqualified with the exception of Rules 11.B.
If an angler is disqualified for being late but has weighed fish earlier and these have been recorded by the weigh-master these fish will count towards his overall score. Only fish that have yet to be weighed will not count.
In the event of the jetty or beaching area being overcrowded by boats, a competitor may claim waiting time if the weigh-in deadline is imminent. This can only be done by attracting the attention of the timing marshal if in the waiting area (no-wake area) in good time before the deadline time is reached. The timing marshal will immediately note the competitor’s name & the time of any such incident in a log book.
Any competitor rendering emergency assistance to another competitor which results in his/her late arrival may have his/her catch weighed if he/she provides satisfactory proof of such assistance given. The timing marshal will note the name of the competitors concerned and the time of the incident in a log book.
Entry and exits to the weighing-in area must be clearly defined to enable the weigh master to expeditiously weigh fish and eliminate queuing.
Anglers will be required to Exit and Enter the Weigh Station Area via a set of buoys, this is a demarcated NO- WAKE ZONE.
A minimum of 2 (two) as sized scales shall be available at National Championship and at National Inter provincial Championships Nationals.
The weigh-master and another member of the organising committee need to have a clear visible view of the scales weight display at any event.
An Official Fish measure (300mm) shall be available at National Championship and at National Inter provincial Championships against which all other measures shall be measured and adjusted, so as to be traceable to a Standard in the event of a dispute.
Anglers must handle their bass correctly to ensure a healthy return the water.
The Weigh Station must be open for the duration of any session.
A maximum of 5 (five) fish may be presented to the Weigh Master for the duration of a session. (No culling at the Weigh Station).
Once an angler has presented his 5 (five) fish limit to the weigh master he must return to the slip and remove his boat even if there is still time left in his session.
The session or daily fish limit will be 5 (five) fish in all areas at all levels, regardless of the statutory (license) limits stipulated in any particular area.
In the event of a competitor having more than the legal limit of live fish in his boat live-well, the angler/boat will be disqualified for that session.
Dead fish shall not be returned to the water, or disposed of in any manner during or immediately after a tournament (while weighing of fish is still in progress) under any circumstances except as provided for in these Rules.
Competitor(s) having dead fish on board, not wishing to present them for weighing, shall remove them from the live-well, store them in such a manner that they can be separately handed to the weigh master for disposal.
C. In the event that a competitor has separated dead fish from those to be presented for weighing (in accordance with Rule 14B above), such angler shall be permitted to replace dead fish with healthy ones up to the limit of 5 (five) fish.
D. No culling shall take place in the vicinity of the weigh station or in the waiting area(s). As all culling shall have been completed while angling to prevent the fish limit being exceeded at any time.
Competitors may not continue fishing whilst culling. Once the process of culling is completed and only 5 fish are on board the boat, then the competitor(s) may continue fishing. Should an angler/boat ONLY have the prescribed 5 (five) fish on board but wish to check the size of a fish prior to presenting his catch to the weigh master, then this may be done within the holding area.
An angling day may be divided into sessions at the discretion of the organisers.
Each session will be treated as if a new day, with defined start/finish times, livewell inspections, and other applicable provisions as laid down in these Rules.
There shall be no more than two sessions in any daylight period.
Weighing-in at tournaments may take place throughout the day with each angler being permitted to weigh in the legal limit per session.
A no-wake area will be in force for at least 100 (one-hundred) meters to either side of the weigh-in site and 50 (fifty) meters to the front for the duration of the tournament, with the shore extremities being clearly marked, and no angling will be permitted in such areas.
All boats within this area will proceed at DEAD SLOW pace so as not to cause a wake.
No contestant may allow any fish caught by him/her to be added to the score of any other contestant. In such an event both competitors shall be disqualified and subject to disciplinary procedures.
Cutting of fins etc. as a means of identification is damaging to the fish and will be classed as willful mutilation, which will be cause for the angler to be disqualified.
A. An Organising Committee boat may approach and a member may board a competitor's boat if deemed necessary in the event of an alleged infringement of these or supplementary rules.
Any protest is to be submitted in writing to the organising committee no later than 60 minutes after the last weigh-in session for that day and duly signed by the individual filing the protest, together with names of witnesses (if any).
Where an incident occurs that is deemed to be of such a nature as to require further investigation, full reports shall be submitted and accepted within 7 (seven) days, and the investigation concluded and decision made within 30 days, respectively, of the last day of the event that the protest was raised.
At National Trials or Inter-Provincial Championships, in the event of a tie, the bag with the most fish, followed, if necessary, by the bag containing the heaviest fish, will decide the winner. In cases where the Bag Weight only is recorded (individual fish are not weighed), then the competitor with the largest single session bag weight through the entire tournament duration will be awarded the tie break.
National Ceding: 1st Tie-Break will be based on the total accumulative ceding results for the current season combined with the previous two years National Results. 2nd Tie Break if required would be the angler with the highest ceded score from the previous National Trials.
Scoring will be one point for each live fish, plus one point per kilogram of mass and equivalent part point per part kilogram. In the event of a dead fish the one point per fish will not be awarded, e.g. a live healthy fish weighing 0.750 kilogram is equal to 1.750 points.
A fish that is "gilling" shall be deemed to be alive, and the final decision is at the discretion of the weigh-master.
Angling will be with artificial lures only.
No "live bait" or prepared (organic) bait shall be permitted.
Only one wet line, attached to a rod and reel, per angler may be used at any one time.
Anglers are not permitted to use double soft jerkbait rigs, drop shot rigs with jigs used as weights, double topwater set-ups and other multi-lure rigs such as “umbrella rigs”.
Maximum of eight (8) rods per angler allowed.
No trolling will be permitted, i.e. no lure attached to a line may be overboard while an Outboard Engine is running.
No tethered or hand-line of any description may be used under any circumstances.
Only bass measuring 300 mm and over will be acceptable for weighing. The measurement is to be from the outer extremities of the closed mouth to the outer tip of the tail, with the fish placed on a flat surface.
Any undersize fish presented to the weigh-master will encounter a penalty of 1⁄2(one-half) a point off the angler s score and that fish will be rejected, but WILL count as portion of the session (daily) limit.
The Official SABAA Guideline for the Measurement of Fish Prescribes.
Fish shall not be transferred to another host for any reason whatsoever other than in the event of a complete mechanical failure. In which case the angler from the immobilised boat shall proceed directly to the Weigh Station without angling, accompany his catch in a separate weigh bag with his tag to be presented to the weighmaster.
There shall be an arrangement which shall prevent catches from being confused.
No boat may approach to within casting distance of another boat. Casting distance is considered to be 30 metres. Any boat will therefore have a “protected/private” fishing space of a 30 metre radius into which no other boat may enter or be casted into, unless the angler on that boat specifically authorises another boat to enter and/or fish into that boat’s 30m space. In such an event rule 24B will become applicable.
Where a bay with backwater or river systems apply, a boat may pass through the anglers protected area/radius on electric trolling motor to fish beyond and outside of the protected area/radius
The following diagram refers:
If another boat is allowed to fish within a boat’s casting distance, then any other boat may enter and fish that boat’s wet line area as well.
When two boats are fishing towards each other, then the boat that is closest to the bank will stay against the bank and the other shall give a reasonable berth around the boat on the bank.
At National Championships only the team members and the official reserve shall be permitted on the water on practice day, the reserve will leave after the official sequence of the flights has concluded and will automatically have the same session time as that of the third flight out.
At National Championships ONLY the official anglers may be on the water during the 3 (three) tournament days. Should any of the official anglers not be able to continue angling for whatever reason, the reserve may continue to fish for the balance of the sessions.

C. At National Championships, there may not be more than one angler per boat for the duration of the event.
D. At National Inter-Provincial Championships, the entire team. Reserve and manager may be on the water during practice (maximum of 5 (five) boats per Provincial team, with the reserve/manager boats departing after the official starting sequence is completed). During the tournament days, the manager/reserve may be on the water but may not fish. A Reserve may be rotated onto any of the Provincial team’s 4 (four) boats during the session, on condition that this is witnessed by the weigh master.
A landing net may be used to land fish.
An angler must catch, fight and then land the fish, without having to leave the boat to retrieve a fish caught on the undergrowth whilst fighting a fish. Anglers must stay in contact with the deck/gunwale of their boats at all times.
Anglers shall be disqualified if encroachment is made on out- of-bounds areas, which have been declared off- limits by water affairs/nature conservation or the darn authorities e.g. dam wall areas, weirs or private property etc.
Anglers shall be disqualified if excessive speed is applied in a no-wake area such as a sanctuary, breeding area and/or private property (where this stipulation is a condition of entry to such an area).
No member may be under the Influence of alcohol whilst participating in a tournament or an Association function and/or in control of a boat or motor vehicle. The stipulations of National Road Safety rules will apply.
The use of illegal drugs or substances (as defined in common law) by contestants during tournaments and Association functions is prohibited.
Contravention of Rule 28 A. & B. above will constitute a serious offence against the Constitution and will be summarily dealt with under its provisions by (at least and immediately) preventing further participation, removing (by force if necessary) the capability to operate a boat or motor vehicle until deemed safe to return such control.
Contravention of Rule 28 A. & B. above shall remain a de-merit and shall not prescribe.
Senior National Championship Tournaments, the use of cellular phones, is allowed for safety purposes only. No angler may contact another angler, whilst on the water, unless in the case of an emergency.
At National Championships, arrangements must be made with the organizing committee for emergency messages to be intercepted and conveyed to the participants.
National Inter-Provincial Championships allow for any form of communication between team members.
A. Under ANY of the above rules, the organising committee at each level is empowered to disqualify any competitor, after due consideration of the facts, deemed to have broken these rules at their level and/or apply disciplinary measures as defined in the Constitution.